1º Paso: 

Students will choose their groups. They will also divide the jobs thats need to be done. They will then choose a autonomous community to research from the list provided to them.

2º Paso:

The students will start to research their autonomous community. They will look up information on one cathedral found in that province, two monuments, the foods the province is known for, and two interesting facts and why you thought it was interesting.

3º Paso:

Each student will start to research their autonomous community. They will be allowed sometime to work on this project during class time but most of the work will be done out of class. Students can show the research to the teacher if the have any questions or doubts. There will be time after school to work with the teacher , also, if the students need help. 

4º Paso:

Once all of the work is completed, the students will prepare to present their power point presentations to the class, which will be graded on a rubric (See Evaluation tab on the top of the page). The  collage will also be present. Each student must speak during the presentation in order to get points for that part of the project.

5º Paso:  

Once all of the work is completed, the students will prepare to present their power point presentations to the class, which will be graded on a rubric (See Evaluation tab to the left). The  collage will also be present. Each student must speak during the presentation in order to get points for that part of the project.